Three seconds is most decisive for the driver as he slung his seatbelt on and finish with a click!. That's when he put himself in optimal protection, which until now continues to be praised.
In the USA, seatbelt being touted as a device capable of providing maximum protection to reduce serious injuries and deaths. In a country with a population of the world's largest car, seatbelt saved over 10,000 lives per year.
Just look at the figures released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). According to the institute, between 1982 - 1988 seat belts have saved lives and special 118.361 1999, a total of 11.197 inhabitants. It is estimated that if all the passengers in the front seat seatbelt installed in that year, a total of 9.553 lives could be saved again.
While research conducted by the Ministry of Transport Canada suggests, seatbelt (just) managed to save 11.690 lives in the timeframe 1990 to 2000. For comparison, airbags (only) just to save 313 lives.
Unfortunately, lack of seatbelt usage in Indonesia is realized. In fact, many people judge seatbelt just make it complicated. Though the driver / front passenger have a risk of death 55% higher when not using a seatbelt (NHTSA, 1996).
In the USA it is also common. There, users seatbelt just in the range of 73% only. While the people of Europe and Canada is more to know yourself, seatbelt usage rate reached 90%.
Why seatbelt highly recommended? Imagine that. At the car pound something, direct velocity dropped to zero, while the passenger keeps moving with the velocity just before collision (remember 'law of inertia Physics first?).
Passenger without a seatbelt would slide hard mashing everything in front of him, from the dashboard, steering wheel, windshield, and even thrown out (in New Jersey, in the last decade, about 700 people thrown out because of not wearing a seatbelt). Passenger with a seatbelt while still restrained in his seat, because the kinetic energy of the body muted seatbelt.
To get maximum protection, use the seatbelt as directed. Currently most cars using three-point seatbelt. Make sure the seat belt across the shoulder, across his chest and across his lap. Make sure the lock also has worked well. Often users are careless and place athwart seatbelt in the abdomen or neck. This can actually be fatal in case of accident.
But the seatbelt has a negative side as well. This appliance is not safe to use parents, because it can cause injury to the chest. Seatbelt is not safe for pregnant women. To reduce that risk, sophisticated seatbelt is usually equipped with additional tools such as pretensiometer and force limiters.
Pretensiometer tighten the belt when the crash occurred, and help the body eliminate kenduran passenger / driver remains in his seat. Force limiter, which is usually found with pre tensioners, loosen the belt shortly after the collision, in order to avoid injury to the chest.
To reduce the potential for injury, Safety Research Center belongs to Ford Motor Co.., Are now being developed that can inflate seatbelt, which is expected to be safer and more optimal to protect motorists.
The new seatbelt called inflatable belt, works like an airbag. In the event of collision, the seatbelt it will inflate to expand the area to hold the body, so the body's kinetic style is more rapidly absorbed.
Currently, about 2 inches wide seatbelt. In the inflatable belt, the width can be expanded up to three-fold to 6 inches. In effect, the weight can be distributed in a wider area, the automatic pressure on the body becomes smaller. Thus, the risk of chest injury can be reduced.
To increase seatbelt use in the USA, NHTSA urged automakers to install a new device that can propel the rider put his seatbelt.
Institutions even require all cars marketed in the USA comes pendengung (buzzer) and the lights flashing on the dashboard to remind motorists to put his seatbelt.
Prangkat kind of Ford Motor Co. has applied. on all products output in 2002. Device called BeltMinder will be buzzing and the lights on the dashboard will blink, if motorists did not put his seatbelt more than five minutes.
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