Showing posts with label Degree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Degree. Show all posts

Distance Education

The field of distance education has changed dramatically in the past ten years. Distance education, structured learning in which the student and instructor are separated by place, and sometimes by time is currently the fastest growing form of domestic and international education. What was once considered a special form of education using nontraditional delivery systems, is now becoming an important concept in mainstream education. Concepts such as networked learning, connected
learning spaces, flexible learning and hybrid learning systems have enlarged the scope and changed the nature of earlier distance education models. Web-based and web-enhanced courses are appearing in traditional programs that are now racing to join the “anytime, anyplace” educational feeding frenzy. In a 2002 survey of 75 randomly chosen college distance learning programs, results revealed an astounding rate of growth in the higher education distance learning market (Primary Research
Group, 2002). In a time of shrinking budgets, distance learning programs are reporting 41 percent average annual enrollment growth. Thirty percent of the programs are being developed to meet the needs of professional continuing education for adults. Twenty-four percent of distance students have high speed bandwidth at home. These developments signal a drastic redirection of traditional distance education.

 With the rise and proliferation of distance learning systems has come the need to critically examine the strengths and weaknesses of various programs. A majority of new programs have been developed to meet the growing needs of higher education in responding to demands for flexible learning environments, continuing education and lifelong learning. David Noble, the Ralph Nader of Distance Education, has written a series of papers examining what he calls the private, commercial hijacking
of higher education. He makes the case that the banner touting cheap online education waved in front of administrators has resulted in much higher costs than expected. The promotion of online courses, according to Noble, has resulted in a huge, expensive infrastructure that he describes as a technological tapeworm in the guts of higher education (Noble 1999, November). In a later piece, Noble describes the controversy in 1998 that developed at UCLA over its partnership with a private company, the Home Education Network (THEN). The controversy, over public and private partnerships and great expectation of financial returns, he says, is fueled by extravagant technological fantasies which underly much of today’s enthusiasm for distance education. Noble describes this expectation as a pursuit of what appears increasingly to be little more than fool’s gold (Noble 2001, March).

Noble is one of a growing group of scholars becoming increasingly disillusioned with the commercialization of distance learning, particularly in the United States. They call for educators to pause and examine the enthusiastic claims of distance educators from a critical perspective. With the recent developments in hybrid combinations of distance learning, flexible learning, distributed learning, web-based and web-enhanced instruction, the questions facing educators are how to examine new learning technologies from a wider perspective than we have in the past, and to examine how distance education fits into the changing educational environment. Scholars are exploring information technologies from the critical perspectives of politics, hidden curriculum, pedagogy, cost effectiveness, and the global impact of information technologies on collective intelligence (Vrasidas, & Glass, 2002).

Due to the rapid development of technology, courses using a variety of media are being delivered to students in various locations in an effort to serve the educational needs of growing populations. In many cases, developments in technology allow distance education programs to provide specialized courses to students in remote geographic areas with increasing interactivity between student and teacher. Although the ways in which distance education is implemented differ markedly from country to country, most distance learning programs rely on technologies which are either already in place or are being considered for their cost effectiveness. Such programs are particularly beneficial for the many people who are not financially, physically or geographically able to obtain traditional education. Although there is an increase in the number of distance services to elementary and secondary students, the main audience for distance courses continues to be the adult and higher education market. Most recently, Kaplan College launched the nation’s first online certificate program for security manager and crime scene technicians under their certificate program for homeland security (Terry, 2002, August 27).

 Distance education has experienced dramatic growth both nationally and internationally since the early 1980s. It has evolved from early correspondence education using primarily print based materials into a worldwide movement using various technologies. The goals of distance education, as an alternative to traditional education, have been to offer degree granting programs, to battle illiteracy in developing countries, to provide training opportunities for economic growth, and to offer curriculum enrichment in non traditional educational settings. A variety of technologies have been used as delivery systems to facilitate this learning at a distance. In order to understand how research and research issues have developed in distance education, it is necessary to understand the context of the field. Distance education relies heavily on communications technologies as delivery media. Print
materials, broadcast radio, broadcast television, computer conferencing, electronic mail, interactive video, satellite telecommunications and multimedia computer technology are all used to promote student-teacher interaction and provide necessary feedback to the learner at a distance. Because technologies as delivery systems have been so crucial to the growth of distance education, research has reflected rather than driven practice.

Early distance education research focused on media comparison studies, descriptive studies, and evaluation reports. Researchers have examined those issues that have been of particular interest to administrators of distance education programs such as; student attrition rates, the design of instructional materials for large scale distribution, the appropriateness of certain technologies for delivery of instruction, and the cost effectiveness of programs. However, the growth of flexible learning, networked learning and distributed learning models, is blurring the distinctions between distance and traditional education. These models and their related network technologies also have the capability of creating new environments for learning such as “virtual communities.” For more than 8 years students in traditional settings have been given entire courses on CD-ROM multimedia disks through which they have progressed at their own pace, interacting with the instructor and other students on electronic mail or face to face according to their needs (Technology Based Learning,
1994). These materials are now available using web-based multimedia technologies. In earlier collaborative projects, students around the world participated in cooperative learning activities
sharing information using computer networks (Riel, 1993).

In these cases, global classrooms often have participants from various countries interacting with each other at a distance. Many mediated educational activities have allowed students to participate in collaborative, authentic, situated learning activities (Brown, Collins, & Duguid, 1989; Brown & Palincsar, 1989). In fact, the explosion of information technologies has brought learners together by erasing the boundaries of time and place for both site based and distance learners. Research in distance education reflects the rapid technological changes in this field. Although early research was centered around media comparison studies, recent distance education research has examined four main underlying research issues: learner needs, media and the instructional process, issues of access, and the changing roles of teachers and students (Sherry, 1996). Educators have become more interested in examining pedagogical themes and strategies for learning in mediated environments (Berge & Mrozowski, 2001; Collis, deBoer, VanderJeen, 2001; Salomon, Perkins, & Gloperson, 1991; Vrasidas & McIsaac, 1999) Knowledge construction and mediated learning offer some of the most promising research in distance education (Barrett, 1992; Glaser, 1992; Harasim, 2001; Salomon, 1993).

This chapter traces the history of the distance education movement, discusses the definitions and theoretical principles which have marked the development of the field and explores the research in this field which is inextricably tied to the technology of course delivery. A critical analysis of research in distance education was conducted for this chapter. Material for the analysis came from four primary data sources. The first source was an ERIC search, which resulted in over 900 entries. This largely North American review was supplemented with international studies located in the International Centre for Distance Learning (ICDL) database. The entries were then categorized
according to content and source. Second, conference papers were reviewed which represented current, completed work in the field of distance education. Third, dissertations were obtained from universities that produced the majority of doctoral dissertations in Educational Technology doctoral programs. Finally, five journals were chosen for further examination because of their recurrent frequency in the ERIC listing. Those journals were Open Learning, American Journal of Distance Education, International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Distance Education, and Journal of Distance Education. 

Princeton University

 New mild Presbyterians set up the college of recent Jersey, later Princeton university, in 1746 to put together pastors committed to their perspectives. The faculty became the instructive and spiritual capital of Scotch-Irish the usa. by 1808, lack of accept as true with within the faculty within the Presbyterian Church induced the foundation in 1812 of the extraordinary Princeton Theological Seminary, yet profound Presbyterian effect at the school proceeded via the 1910s. The Province of new Jersey conceded a contract on October 22, 1746 for “the schooling of teens in the discovered Languages and inside the Sciences and Liberal Arts”. The settlement was odd in the positions, for it indicated that “any character of any religious Denomination at all” shall leave. the full enlistment of faculties is 10 younger guys, who met for classes inside the Reverend Jonathan Dickinson’s parlor in Elizabeth. Dickinson quickly kicked the bucket and turned into supplanted with the aid of Aaron Burr, Sr., minister of the Presbyterian Church in Newark.

Princeton university

Records of Princeton university

In 1756, the college moved to its new quarters to Nassau corridor, in Princeton, which become named to admire King William III, of the residence of Nassau, Prince of Orange, become considered one of the biggest structures inside the provinces. For approximately a massive portion of a century it housed the complete university—lecture rooms, residences, library, church, lounge location, and kitchen. Amid the american Revolution it survived profession by way of troopers from both facets and these days bears a cannonball scar from the struggle of Princeton (January three, 1777). The authorities perceived the chronicled noteworthiness of “antique Nassau” with the aid of honoring it countrywide milestone popularity and through issuing an orange and darkish memorial three-penny stamp in festival of its 1956 bicentennial.

Taking after the much less than ideal passings of its initial five presidents, the faculty thrilled in a long stretch of safety below Reverend John Witherspoon amid of 1768-94. navy profession and the combat of Princeton extraordinarily harmed the school amid the conflict. In an exchange fiasco, flame pulverized Nassau hall in March 1802. Understudy misery precipitated a blast at the Nassau hall the front entryway and a few distinct occurrences in 1814. Witherspoon was a sizeable non secular and political pioneer; and a completely unique underwriter of the declaration of autonomy and the Articles of Confederation.

John Witherspoon was a conspicuous zealous Presbyterian serve in Scotland earlier than turning into the sixth president of Princeton in 1768. Upon his landing, he modified a faculty outlined dominatingly to put together pastors right into a school that would put together the pioneers of a progressive generation. Witherspoon rolled out important improvements to the ethical rationality academic application, strengthened the school’s determination to commonplace good judgment (technology), and situated Princeton inside the bigger transoceanic universe of the republic of letters. Witherspoon’s realistic judgment skills way to ethical quality turned into more impacted by way of the Enlightenment morals of Scottish logicians Francis Hutcheson and Thomas Reid than the Christian excellence of Jonathan Edwards. Witherspoon in this way universal moral best turned into a technology. it can be advanced in his understudies or discovered thru the improvement of the moral sense—a moral compass imparted by using God in all people and grew through practise (Reid) or friendliness (Hutcheson). any such way to profound high-quality owed more to the not unusual exact legal guidelines of the Enlightenment than traditional wellsprings of Christian morals. alongside those strains, even as “open faith” changed into an essential wellspring of social excellence, it become now not by way of any approach the only source. Witherspoon, as in line with the Scottish proper sense reasoning, taught that all individuals non secular or generally could be temperate. His understudies, who blanketed Aaron Burr, John Breckinridge, Philip Freneau and James Madison, all assumed unmistakable parts within the improvement of the brand new u . s . a .. usually, Witherspoon become compelling in riding the regal province of new Jersey—a nation at the start conflicted about unrest closer to insubordination. In 1780 an altered sanction pronounced that the trustees have to no extra swear constancy to the lord of britain, and in 1783 the Continental Congress met in Nassau hall, for this reason making it the legislative hall of the us for a quick time. nine Princeton graduated elegance went to the Constitutional convention of 1787, greater than from whatever other American or British foundation. at the same time at the same time as Witherspoon championed American freedom, he additionally championed more slight goals, for instance, request and country wide unity. thus, he become an in range shield of a countrywide constitution. Of route, the college’s up to date sanction of 1799 approached the trustees to backing the brand new charter of the usa of the united states.

University of Warwick - United Kingdom

 The university of Warwick (casually called Warwick college or Warwick (/ˈwɒrɪk/)) is an open exploration college in Coventry, England. It changed into mounted in 1965 as a issue of an administration pastime to increase access to advanced education. Warwick enterprise school changed into secured in 1967 and Warwick medical college changed into opened in 2000. Warwick converged with Coventry university of training in 1979 and Horticulture studies worldwide in 2004.
Warwick is principally in view of a 290 hectare grounds on the rims of Coventry with a satellite grounds in Wellesbourne and a London base on the Shard in focal London. it's miles composed into four assets Arts, remedy, technological know-how and Social Sciences—internal which there are 32 workplaces. Warwick has around 23,400 complete-time understudies and 1,390 scholastic and exploration staff and had an mixture income of £481 million in 2013/14, of which £90 million turned into from examination awards and contracts. Warwick Arts middle, a multi-venue expressions complex in the university’s essential grounds, is the largest venue of its type in the uk out of doors London.

 Warwick reliably positions in the principal ten of all actual residential scores of British faculties and is the main multi-personnel foundation beside Oxford, Cambridge and Imperial to have in no way been positioned out of doors of the primary ten. it's far located with the aid of QS as the world’s third quality university beneath 50 years (and first in Europe) and as the sector’s thirteenth great college in view of commercial enterprise notoriety. It become placed seventh inside the uk amongst multi-team of workers foundations for the character of its exploration within the 2014 studies Excellence Framework. Passage is centered, with round eight.25 candidates each spot for undergrad observe.
The idea for a college in Warwickshire changed into initially mooted now not long after the second one global warfare, regardless of the truth that it would no longer be mounted for a similarly  a long time. An corporation of the city and district chambers at final gave the force to the college to be created on a four hundred-section of land (1.6 km2) website collectively conceded by using the two government. There has been a few exam between community supports from each the town and province about whether it have to be named after Coventry or Warwickshire. The call “university of Warwick” become embraced, no matter the reality that the County city of Warwick itself lies almost eight miles (13 km) to its southwest and Coventry’s downtown region which is simply 3.5 miles upper east of the muse. the foundation of the university of Warwick became given endorsement via the legislature in 1961 and were given its Royal constitution of Incorporation in 1965. From that factor ahead, the university has consolidated the previous Coventry college of education in 1979 and has amplified its territory belongings with the aid of the intending with purchase of bordering dwelling house land. The university likewise profited from a vast present from the institution of Jack Martin, which empowered the development of the Warwick Arts middle.

 The college at the beginning conceded a little admission of graduate understudies in 1964 and took its preliminary 450 college students in October 1965. considering that its basis Warwick has prolonged its grounds to 721 sections of land (2.nine km2) with numerous cutting aspect systems and scholastic offices, lakes, and forests. within the Nineteen Sixties and 1970s, Warwick had a notoriety for being a politically radical status quo. all of the extra as of past due, the university changed into seen as a preferred established order of the hard work government which was in pressure from 1997 to 2010.It was scholastic associate for diverse leader government plans inclusive of the country wide Academy for gifted and proficient kids and the NHS college (now historical). Tony Blair defined Warwick as “a manual amongst British schools for its dynamism, excellent and entrepreneurial enthusiasm”.
beneath Vice-Chancellor, Lord Butterworth, Warwick turned into one of the first united kingdom schools to embrace a business manner to address advanced training, develop close connections with the commercial enterprise organization and adventure the commercial enterprise estimation of its exploration. In a latest document through Virgin Media enterprise, Warwick was depicted because the most “digitally-astute” uk college.

The Leicester Warwick medical faculty, another therapeutic school based totally at the same time at Warwick and Leicester university, opened in September 2000. on the thought of Tony Blair, invoice Clinton picked Warwick as the venue for his final major faraway arrangement cope with as US President in December 2000. Sandy Berger, Clinton’s national safety guide, clarifying the selection in his Press Briefing on 7 December 2000, stated that: “Warwick is one of britain’s most up to date and greatest exploration faculties, singled out by means of top Minister Blair as a version each of scholarly greatness and autonomy from the administration.”

 In February 2001, IBM gave another S/390 computer and programming worth £2 million to Warwick, to frame a bit of a “Framework” empowering customers to remotely impart processing electricity.In April 2004 Warwick converged with the Wellesbourne and Kirton locales of Horticulture studies worldwide.[24] In July 2004 Warwick became the place for an essential assention between the exertions celebration and the trade Unions on labor approach and alternate union regulation, which has consequently ended up known as the “Warwick agreement”.
In June 2006 the new university health center Coventry opened, which includes a 102,000 sq.ft college clinical sciences building. Warwick scientific school become conceded independent degree-granting fame in 2007, and the college’s corporation with the university of Leicester changed into damaged up around the equal time. In February 2010, Lord Bhattacharyya, government and creator of the WMG unit at Warwick, made a £1 million present to the university to bolster technological know-how concedes and honors.

In February 2012 Warwick and Melbourne-primarily based Monash college declared the development of a key association, such as the formation of 10 joint senior scholarly posts, new double professional’s and joint doctoral tiers, and co-appointment of exploration projects. In March 2012 Warwick and Queen Mary, college of London stated the manufacturing of a key agency, including exploration cooperation, joint teaching of English, records and software program engineering students, and the formation of 8 joint submit-doctoral examination partnerships.

 In April 2012 it turned into declared that Warwick would be the main ecu university taking an hobby in the middle for urban technology and development, a related technological know-how exam foundation to be located in the big apple comprising of a worldwide consortium of colleges and innovation organizations drove through ny university and NYU-Poly. In August 2012, Warwick and four unique Midlands-based totally schools the college of Birmingham, the college of Leicester, Loughborough college and the university of Nottingham—fashioned the M5 group, a territorial coalition predicted to augment the component foundations’ exploration pay and empower nearer joint attempt.

 In September 2013 it turned into declared that any other national car Innovation center might be constructed with the aid of WMG at Warwick’s essential grounds at an price of £one hundred million, with £50 million to be contributed through Jaguar Land Rover and £30 million by means of Tata motors.

 In July 2014, the management declared that Warwick would be the host for the £1 billion superior Propulsion center, a joint wander among the car Council and enterprise. the ten-yr system expects to put the college and the UK as pioneers inside the area of exam into the up and coming era of vehicle innovation.

 Warwick became at the focal point of competition in 2014 after police intercession taking after a free training protest. Protesters reprimanded the Police, the college safety and the university corporation, after understudies had been debilitated with a taser; CS fuel was utilized on one nonconformist and others had been professedly gotten by means of the neck. The college strengthened the police hobby, making certain that an man or woman from personnel were struck. The three nonconformists have been captured amid the event, one for ambush and the others for block; they were then later charged in 2015. Nonconformists reacted through owning numerous structures on grounds and making a rundown of requests for control.

Ashford university (AU)

 In 2003, Mount St. Clare college converted its name to The Franciscan college. inside the period in-between, the university were given approbation to provide its first graduate degree on the internet. In September 2004, the faculty altered its name to The Franciscan university of the Prairies maintaining in mind the end goal to avoid perplexity with correspondingly named faculties.

After a time of cash related trouble, the college turned into acquired by using Bridgepoint schooling in March 2005. After the achievement of the deal, the inspiration’s call changed into changed to Ashford university (AU) which changed into backed through the Sisters of St. Francis finished.

in spite of the reality that the university become territorially licensed via The better gaining knowledge of commission (HLC) of the North critical affiliation of colleges and colleges, it looked for provincial accreditation from the Western association of schools and colleges (WASC) in 2010.In June 2012, WASC denied starting accreditation to Ashford college.

due to accreditation issues, the college’s trustees distinct Richard Pattenaude as president in October 2012 which is a previous chancellor of the university of Maine device who additionally served as director of the fee on institutions of higher training for the brand new England association of schools and faculties, a provincial certifying body. although its beginning utility in the direction of the Western association of schools and faculties changed into declined in 2010, which 2d software had been identified in 2013.

As indicated by means of U.S. Senate confirmation via Arlie Willems, resigned commentator for the Iowa branch of training lavished with Ashford university (AU)‘s solicitation in 2006 to offer an online grasp of Arts in coaching (MAT) in mild of the reality that the venture “changed into greater a gathering of discrete courses than an iron system, turned into understaffed for appropriate affiliation with understudies and supervision of each guides and medical encounters, which include understudy educating. severa personnel wanted proper scholastic basis and/or encounters for their allocated obligations. The maximum genuine concern noted by means of the institution became the absence of duty from the mission in giving first-class clinical encounters, the a part of teacher planning taken into consideration the most essential by way of readiness applications in Iowa.

Willems likewise affirmed that Ashford college (AU) went into enterprise with Rio Salado network university although practise guides from the Ashford BA in Social technology with a awareness in education may want to observe to Rio Salado’s submit-baccalaureate trainer schooling gadget. when understudies have finished the web Ashford BA and the web Rio Salado educator schooling mission, they're qualified for an Arizona instructing allow. Willem’s prominent that this association may be seen as an ingenious technique to tackle an issue preserving in thoughts the end intention to preserve drawing understudies, or it is able to be visible as an method to head around the obligation framework for great on the way to keep amassing educational value from understudies. a person who has finished an Arizona allow thusly does no longer obviously get an Iowa allow in mild of the fact that Iowa and Arizona don’t have a correspondence information.

As indicated by using Willems, protests from Ashford understudies regarding this knowledge and licensure encompass:

1) individuals from Iowa and numerous exceptional states had completed Ashford college (AU)‘s on-line Bachelor of Arts in Social technology with a concentration in schooling. those humans were persuaded, endless deliver of this device, they could be qualified for a permit of their domestic country in mild of the fact that Ashford has a state-sanction instructor preparation software (the on-floor undergrad program).

2) people had been understudies or alumni of the Ashford on-line baccalaureate software, however had been now not conscious of the need to finish the Rio Salado application too to get an Arizona allow. these humans were now not anyways aware of the Rio Salado affiliation.

three) Understudies of Ashford college (AU) had been meaning to finish understudy instructing via Rio Salado college and established they could then evidently be qualified for an Iowa educating permit.

4) students were finishing a web degree thru Ashford in proper on time youth typical that this diploma might activate an Iowa instructing allow.

Law School in The United States | List Of Law College in The USA

Law College in The U.S.A.

  • Abraham Lincoln college college of law
  • Albany regulation faculty
  • American university of regulation
  • American university Washington college of regulation
  • Appalachian college of regulation
  • Arizona kingdom university university of law
  • Ave Maria school of law
  • Barry college, Orlando Campus
  • Baylor college regulation faculty
  • Benjamin N. Cardozo faculty of law — Yeshiva college.
  • Birmingham school of law
  • Boalt corridor - college of California, Berkeley
  • Boston university law college
  • Boston university college of regulation
  • Brigham young university J. Reuben Clark law faculty
  • Brooklyn law school
  • California faculty of regulation — California school of law a leading online regulation faculty and on line diploma program, imparting reducing aspect criminal training, jd doctorate, live lecture rooms, every year enrollment.
  • California Western school of law
  • Campbell university - Norman A. Wiggins school of law
  • Captial college regulation school
  • Case Western Reserve college faculty of law
  • Catholic college of the us Columbus school of regulation
  • Chapman university school of law
  • Charleston college of regulation
  • Chicago-Kent college of regulation
  • town college of latest York school of regulation at Queens college
  • Cleveland nation university Cleveland - Marshall university of regulation
  • Columbia university law faculty
  • Cornell college law faculty
  • Creighton college faculty of law
  • DePaul university of law
  • Drake university law school
  • Duke college school of law
  • Duquesne college school of regulation
  • Elon college school of regulation
  • Emory college college of law
  • Empire university faculty of law
  • Faulkner university Thomas Goode Jones school of regulation
  • Florida Coastal school of law
  • Florida nation university college of law
  • Fordham college college of regulation
  • Franklin Pierce law middle
  • George Mason college school of law
  • George Washington college law school
  • Georgetown university law center
  • Georgia kingdom university Colege of regulation
  • Glendale university university of law
  • Golden Gate university school of regulation
  • Gonzaga college faculty of regulation
  • Hamline university faculty of regulation
  • Harvard university law college
  • Hofstra college, school of law
  • Howard university faculty of regulation
  • Indiana university, Bloomington college of law
  • Indiana university, Indianapolis college of law
  • Irvine college university of law
  • John F. Kennedy university school of regulation
  • John Marshall regulation college
  • John Marshall regulation faculty - Atlanta
  • Lewis and Clark university Northwestern school of law
  • Liberty university school of law
  • Lincoln law school of San Jose
  • Louisiana state college Paul M. Hebert regulation center
  • Loyola Marymount college school of regulation
  • Loyola college
  • Loyola university, New Orleans
  • Marquette college regulation faculty
  • Massachusetts college of law
  • Mercer university faculty of law
  • Michigan nation college college of regulation
  • Mississippi college school of regulation
  • Monterey college of regulation
  • Nashville school of regulation
  • New college of California college of law
  • New England faculty of law
  • New England faculty of law&#fifty eight; Sexual Orientation and the regulation — Index of sources on gay and lesbian legal problems.
  • the big apple regulation faculty
  • the big apple college faculty of regulation
  • North Carolina valuable college faculty of law
  • Northeastern college faculty of regulation
  • Northern Illinois university college of regulation
  • Northern Kentucky college Salmon P. Chase university of regulation
  • Northwestern university college of law
  • Notre Dame regulation college
  • Nova Southeastern university Shepard broad law middle
  • o.k.Brook college of regulation
  • Ohio Northern college university of law
  • Ohio state university university of law
  • Oklahoma city university faculty of law
  • pace university faculty of law
  • Pacific Coast college school of regulation
  • human beings's university of law
  • Pontifical Catholic university of Puerto Rico faculty of law — Puerto Rico
  • Quinnipiac college college of law
  • Quinnipiac college college of law
  • Regent college college of law
  • Roger Williams university school of regulation
  • Rutgers college, Camden college of law
  • Rutgers college, Newark college of regulation
  • Saint Louis university college of regulation
  • Samford college Cumberland school of law
  • San Francisco law school
  • San Joaquin university of law
  • Santa Barbara and Ventura faculties of law
  • Santa Clara university faculty of regulation
  • Seattle university faculty of law
  • Seton hall law college
  • Silicon Valley university regulation faculty
  • South Texas university of law
  • Southern California Institute of regulation
  • Southern Methodist university Dedman college of law
  • Southern New England school of law
  • Southwestern college school of law
  • St. John's university college of law
  • St. Louis university
  • St. Mary's college school of law
  • St. Thomas university faculty of regulation
  • Stanford law school
  • country university of latest York at Buffalo faculty of law
  • Stetson university university of regulation
  • Suffolk university regulation school
  • Syracuse university university of law
  • Temple college James E. Beasley college of regulation
  • Texas Tech college college of law
  • Texas Wesleyan university faculty of regulation
  • Thomas Jefferson faculty of regulation
  • Thomas M. Cooley law faculty
  • Touro university
  • Touro college - Jacob D. Fuchsberg law middle
  • Trinity regulation faculty
  • Tulane university law faculty
  • university of Akron faculty of law
  • college of Alabama college of regulation
  • university of Arizona university of law
  • university of Arkansas, Fayetteville school of regulation
  • university of Arkansas, Little Rock faculty of law
  • college of Baltimore faculty of law
  • university of California, Davis school of law
  • college of California, Hastings
  • college of California, Hastings university of the law
  • college of California, la college of regulation
  • college of Chicago law college
  • college of Cincinnati college of law
  • college of Colorado, Boulder faculty of law
  • college of Connecticut college of law
  • college of Dayton school of regulation
  • college of Denver college of regulation
  • college of Detroit Mercy faculty of law
  • college of Florida Levin university of law
  • college of Georgia college of regulation
  • university of Hawaii William S. Richardson college of regulation
  • college of Houston regulation center
  • college of Idaho university of regulation
  • university of Illinois college of regulation
  • college of Iowa university of law
  • university of Kansas college of regulation
  • college of Kentucky college of regulation
  • college of los angeles Verne college of regulation
  • university of Louisville Louis D. Brandeis school of law
  • university of Maine
  • university of Maryland school of regulation
  • college of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys college of regulation
  • university of Miami faculty of law
  • college of Miami school of law persevering with legal schooling
  • university of Michigan regulation faculty
  • college of Minnesota law school
  • college of Mississippi school of law
  • university of Missouri, Kansas town college of regulation
  • university of Missouri-Columbia college of law
  • university of Montana college of law
  • university of Nebraska university of law
  • university of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd school of law
  • college of new Mexico college of law
  • university of North Carolina at Chapel Hill school of law
  • university of North Dakota college of law
  • university of Notre Dame
  • college of Oklahoma university of law
  • college of Oregon faculty of regulation
  • university of Pennsylvania law school
  • college of Pittsburgh
  • college of Puerto Rico school of regulation — Puerto Rico
  • college of Richmond faculty of regulation
  • college of San Diego school of law
  • university of San Francisco faculty of regulation
  • university of Silicon Valley regulation college
  • college of South Carolina school of regulation
  • college of South Dakota faculty of law
  • college of Southern California regulation college
  • college of St. Thomas school of regulation
  • college of Tennessee university of regulation
  • college of Texas faculty of law
  • college of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke college of regulation
  • college of the Pacific McGeorge school of regulation
  • college of Toledo college of law
  • university of Tulsa university of regulation
  • university of Utah university of regulation
  • college of Virginia college of regulation
  • college of Washington school of regulation
  • college of Wisconsin law college
  • college of Wyoming college of regulation
  • Unniversity of Pittsburgh college of law
  • Valparaiso college
  • Valpo college of regulation
  • Vanderbilt college law college
  • Vermont law faculty
  • Vilanova university college of regulation
  • Wake forest college college of regulation
  • Washburn college college of law
  • Washburn university faculty of law Seminars and continuing legal schooling
  • Washington and Lee university college of law
  • Washington college college of law
  • Wayne country university law college
  • West Virginia university college of law
  • Western New England university college of regulation
  • Western nation university university of law
  • Whittier regulation school
  • Widener university college of regulation
  • Willamette college university of regulation
  • William and Mary college of regulation
  • William Mitchell university of law
  • Yale law college
  • Yeshiva college

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modern ARIZONA automobile accident statistics
in step with new information published simplest days in the past, the Arizona branch of Transportation found out critical statistics bearing on car accidents inside the kingdom.  In 2012:

There had been greater than 100,000 vehicle crashes
of these, more than 33,000 led to injuries
There had been 741 deadly vehicle injuries in 2012
more than five,400 accidents have been alcohol-associated
greater than 1,500 accidents worried pedestrians
repayment for your accidents
in case you had been involved in an automobile twist of fate that turned into as a result of another driving force’s negligence, you will be entitled to repayment on your injuries. reimbursement can also both be economic or non-financial and may encompass the following, depending on the unique situations of your case:

clinical expenses – past and future
medical institution bills and medication
ache and suffering
loss of consortium
past and future lost profits or wages
ache and suffering already experienced or probable to be experienced
belongings harm – vehicle restore or alternative, depending on the instances
automobile rental and towing whilst suitable
different –  ask your lawyer
if you have been worried in an car coincidence, it is vital to realize that in Arizona there may be normally a  yr statute of boundaries (in some occasions there might also handiest be six months). legal movements have to be filed during this time to shield your rights to reimbursement. it's miles to your satisfactory hobby to proceed with any felony actions as quickly as is possible.

The cleanup procedure after an car coincidence in Arizona may be quite overwhelming. right here are a few quality practices that will help you thru the tough time.

acquire data
maintain a record of activities and dates as they manifest and hold report of your coverage declarations, coincidence records, and some other statements from witnesses. organized facts is priceless.

DON’T signal ANY paperwork without CONSULTING A PHOENIX harm lawyer
you'll be asked via an coverage enterprise to signal paperwork that could waive your right to get hold of suitable repayment. It’s easy to be persuaded to accept an initial offer, however be wary due to the fact insurance groups in no way take some time and effort to understand what your case is well worth. rent an skilled Phoenix private injury attorney to help you through this complicated system.

After an Arizona auto coincidence, one or both coverage corporations will name and ask you for a recorded statement. Don’t give one until you’ve talked to a Phoenix injury attorney. It’s too smooth to by chance say matters so as to damage your case before an research has even started. in case you feel uncomfortable with the insurance employer’s manner, supply Curiel and Runion a name for a unfastened case evaluation and let us give an explanation for your rights in terms which can be smooth to understand.

DON’T RUSH to just accept a suggestion
medical treatment may be high priced and the insurance agencies realize this. They’re stimulated to settle your declare quickly, frequently earlier than your medical remedy has come to an stop. you have sufficient to fear about without being rushed thru the technique. permit a Phoenix damage attorney from Curiel and Runion help degree the gambling discipline.

ARIZONA auto accidents may be complicated
regularly you have relevant insurance coverage in your personal vehicle insurance coverage.  A non-public injury attorney from Curiel and Runion can evaluate that facts to determine when you have a proper to recover from a couple of coverage.

Car Accident Lawyer Denver

We understand that being injured in an auto or motorcycle accident can be a difficult situation. You need the best personal injury lawyer to help you resolve problems arising from an car accident, slip and fall, wrongful death or other personal injury claim. We are conveniently located in downtown Denver, Colorado, and have the legal experience and expertise to settle your case for the most possible recovery. If settlement negotiations do not work, then, as our track record shows, we are ready and able to take your case to trial. You, as a victim, having been injured by someone else's negligence need the best possible legal representation in Colorado. Our law firm will seek the compensation that you deserve to fully pay you back for your damages.

Your damages may include past, present and future medical bills, lost time from work, pain and suffering, and even impairment or disfigurement. When calculating what damages you have from this accident, we look into all aspects, including things like your mileage costs to and from your doctor's appointments, and the sick or vacation time that you had to use your treatments. It is not fair for you to use your own personal sick or vacation time from work to go to treatments.

Our experience in the area of personal injury is notable. Phil Harding has been elected as one of the top 100 trial lawyers in Colorado for the past five years. He is a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, which means he has tried cases and has gotten $1,000,000.00+ verdicts. Phil Harding is also an AV rated attorney and can be seen every Friday on KWGN (Channel 2) as the "ask the attorney". Jeff Kelley has been practicing law since 1987 and limits his practice to personal injury matters with an emphasis on representing motorcycle accident victims. He has a wide breadth of legal experience and is licensed to practice before the Colorado Supreme Court and 10th Circuit Federal District Court. Jeff, a Colorado native, avid motorcyclist for over 30 years, and can also be seen on KWGN Friday mornings. He enjoys speaking to viewers about how to maximize their insurance recoveries, while handling the special challenges that motorcyclists or their passengers experience when they are involved in an accident. When you hire the accident attorneys at Harding & Associates, you will be dealing with the attorneys, not a case administrator or a paralegal like some other firms. Also, through our phone systems, if you need us after hours, nights or weekends, when you get into our voice mail, you simply push "0" and you are transferred to your attorney.

We at Harding & Associates love what we do. We love to represent individuals in personal injury matters, car accidents, motorcycle accidents, wrongful death actions, slip and fall cases and all types of civil litigation. Please call us for a free initial consultation. There is no obligation on this consultation, just call us and ask us your questions. If we don't practice in that area of the law, we will try to direct you to someone who can help you. We feel that being injury attorneys is an important role in helping to balance the power of the insurance companies with all of the resources versus you who may be hurt in an accident and only want to get better.

It is important that you call us as soon as possible to help preserve evidence and to make sure all proper notices and procedures are followed. As a car accident victim, you have certain rights to collect damages and to make sure your current and future medical expenses associated with the accident are provided for by the guilty party, not to mention compensation for lost time from work, pain and suffering, compensation for any scaring or disfigurement and even mileage to and from your doctor's appointments. But you need to act swiftly because there may be a very short time frame that must be met or you risk not being to able to recover any monetary damages. These time frames are called Statute of Limitations and they vary depending upon the type of case you have. There is also a very short notice requirement if the government either caused or contributed to your injuries. This notice must be made within 180 days of your injury and must be sent to the proper governmental agency.

If you have been injured, don't give up just because the legal process is complicated and the insurance company is making it difficult for you to understand your rights. Your legal matter may be the most important, life changing event you may face. You cannot count on the insurance company to help you because they want to pay you as little money as possible. It is their job to reduce compensation to you so that you will sign a release and "let them off the hook." You need an attorney to help you navigate the legal process and to get you the compensation you deserve - not what an insurance representative tells you your claim is worth. The attorneys at Harding & Associates, P.C. have excellent relationships with their clients and take the time required to ensure their clients make the best possible decisions on their legal matter.

To begin the process, we offer a free phone consultation for car accident or personal injury victims. We can be reached at 303-762-9500 in the Denver area or toll-free 800-878-7888 for those in other parts of Colorado or out of state. Or you may fill out the contact form on this page, and we will get in touch with you soon.

Structured Settlement Companies

Dependent agreement agencies

we've compiled both a list of corporations that distribute settlement bills bills and a listing of brokers you could approach in case you need to sell your settlement bills for a lump sum. Inclusion on this list is not an endorsement of any company.

Which agreement corporation is the quality universal? Which dependent settlement corporation is the first-class inside the secondary market? at the same time as i am no longer sure there may be a way to have a definitive solution, there are a number of factors that you may recollect:

How long has the employer been in business?
What do others say about the company? Does the business enterprise have a better business Bureau profile?  what is it rating? Does it normally respond to issues fast? Does it have a Yelp assessment?

Annuity and agreement customers and brokers


(972) 952-0260
800 E Campbell Rd
Richardson, Texas 75081

CAMPBELL financial CORP.

(719) 687-6220
350 W. Henrietta street
forest Park, Colorado 80863

CAPITAL planning, INC.

(952) 541-9464
2051 Killebrew drive
Suite #640
Bloomington, Minnesota 55425

CBC agreement investment

500 Delaware Ave. 11th floor
Wilmington, Delware 19801

customer FIRST agreement investment

(888) 594-1195
(888) 594-1190
301 Yamato Rd #3200
Boca Raton, Florida 33431


(855) 693-6100
(866) 744-9935
701 Park of commerce Blvd, Suite 301
Boca Raton, Florida 33487


(303) 337-0400
5613 DTC throughway, Suite 600
Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111

FAIRFIELD investment

(404) 814-0225
3424 Peachtree Rd
Atlanta, GA 30326


(866) 477-9729
(484) 434-2300
201 King of Prussia avenue
Radnor, Pennsylvania 19087-5148

LIBERTY settlement funding

(954) 357-7235
(954) 763-1165
16 N.E. 4th St, Suite 210
fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301


(850) 894-4265
(800) 573-8853
3500 economic Plaza, 4th ground
Tallahassee, Florida 32312

NOVATION settlement solutions

(561) 615-9360
(888) 390-6200
1641 Worthington street Suite 410
West Palm beach, Florida 33409

Sell Structured Settlement

In life, the simplest issue you could definitely assume is trade. Your existence nowadays isn’t the same as it changed into even a yr ago, so why are the payments you get from your structured agreement nonetheless the same as they have been years in the past? At J.G. Wentworth, we think you ought to have the choice to apply your cash on every occasion you need it.

no person is aware your financial scenario better than you do, but here’s just a few motives some preceding clients wanted to sell their based agreement bills:

Paying off university loans or different debt
clinical costs
A down price on their dream home
money to begin their very own commercial enterprise
J.G. Wentworth is right here to give you a way to get get admission to for your cash early by providing to buy a few or all of your destiny agreement bills.

J.G. Wentworth Is The enterprise leader In buying based Settlements

extra than 25 years in the past, J.G. Wentworth helped our first client get a lump sum for their destiny payments. for the reason that then, we’ve helped our customers promote extra than $2.nine billion in their bills, making us the most important customer of structured settlements inside the usa.

J.G. Wentworth’s massive revel in in shopping dependent settlement payments way that we can get you your cash as quickly as possible. We’re committed to imparting industry-main customer service, that is why we’re proud of our A+ score from the higher commercial enterprise Bureau.

a way to Get coins for your structured agreement bills

before figuring out if promoting a few or all of your future settlement payments is the right decision for you, it’s important which you get all of the records you want so you could make an informed preference. J.G. Wentworth is here to help solution your questions. here’s a short overview of the steps worried in selling your based agreement payments:

contact a J.G. Wentworth representative

once you fill out the net shape or call our toll-free number, we’ll placed you in touch with an skilled J.G. Wentworth consultant. They’ll ask you approximately your based settlement and your want for a lump sum. This allows them to apprehend your particular situation and layout a proposal that meets your wishes.

as soon as your consultant is familiar with your settlement and what sort of money you want from it, they’ll offer you a few alternatives for how we will let you get that cash. We’ll come up with the whole lot you need to recognise approximately each deal so that you can overview them and pick the choice that makes the maximum sense for you.

We contend with the paperwork for You

promoting your dependent settlement payments commonly requires plenty of legal paperwork. Your J.G. Wentworth representative will allow you to realize all the facts we need and then they move the matter forward. if they want some thing you don’t have, they’ll even walk you through the manner for the way to acquire it.

A judge Approves the Sale

All dependent settlement payment sales must cross before a choose. The choose will review your case and will determine whether or not the sale is on your first-rate hobby. that is an crucial step, however one that J.G. Wentworth makes less complicated thanks to our familiarity with the laws and 25 years of revel in to attract on.

You Get Your coins

as soon as the decide approves the sale, we’ll pay you your lump sum. in lots of instances, you’ll have the cash in your account or a take a look at for your hand in as little as 3 business days after we get approval to purchase your destiny payments. After that, you spend the cash in step with your want.

It’s Your cash: Use It whilst you need It

At J.G. Wentworth, we believe that everyone need to have the possibility to access their money, once they want, on account that no one is familiar with your finances higher than you do. For more than 25 years, we’ve helped clients meet their wishes. when you have a settlement, but you want to access that money now, give us a name and we’ll assist you to recognize how we are able to get you your lump sum.

Most Affordable Online Colleges

Most Affordable Online Colleges

1. South Texas College

2. Great Basin College

3. Darton State College

4. Western Governors University

5. Fort Hays State University

6. Georgia Southern University

7. City Vision University

8. Delta State University

9. Arkansas State University-Main Campus

10. Broward College

Best Value Online College

Best Value Online College

1 Western Governors University

2 American Public University System

3 Southern New Hampshire University Online

4 Brigham Young University-Idaho

5 Fort Hays State University

6 Thomas Edison State College

7 South Dakota State University

8 Chadron State College

9 Colorado State University-Global

10 Walsh College of Accountancy and Business Administration

Top Online Colleges

List of Top Online Colleges

1. Stanford University

2. Columbia University in the City of New York

3. Duke University

4. Northwestern University

5. Johns Hopkins University

6. Georgetown University

7. University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

8. University of Southern California

9. University of California - Los Angeles

10. University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

Best Online Colleges

List of Best Online Colleges

1. East Carolina University

2. Appalachian State University

3. University of Illinois at Springfield

4. Eastern Illinois University

5. University of Florida

6. Northern Kentucky University

7. Asbury University

8. Minot State University

9. University of North Carolina at Greensboro

10. University of Arkansas - Fayetteville

Temple University Online Classes and Courses

Courses and Schedules

Whether you live on campus or commute each day, Temple offers thousands of courses to fit your schedule—from early mornings to evenings to weekends.

Calendars and Schedules

To help you plan in advance and organize your year, we have assembled all of our calendars and schedules into simple, easy-to-access pages. Find important dates and deadlines, as well as course and exam schedules.

Academic Calendar

The Academic Calendar lists all of the important dates and deadlines you need to know for each semester.

Class Schedule

The Class Schedule provides you with simple pull-down menus that allow you to easily search for and select the classes you need each semester.

Exam Schedules

Most courses have final examinations at the end of the semester. The day and time of your course will determine when that exam is given.

Course Catalog

View all undergraduate, graduate, and professional courses offered at Temple during the semester. This information is also available in TUportal when you register for classes.

Undergraduate Bulletin and Information

Temple provides a number of resources that can help keep you on track to graduation. Along the way, you will take many courses that will broaden your horizons and stimulate your intellect.

Undergraduate Bulletin

The Undergraduate Bulletin is your indispensable guide to all of Temple's degree programs and the requirements necessary to complete your major. With this information and guidance from your academic advisors, you can map out your path to graduation.

General Education Program (GenEd)

College gives you the chance to acquire expertise in a specific field, but it also should help you develop a broad base of skills, abilities and knowledge. Temple's General Education (GenEd) program serves as the university's liberal-education requirements for undergraduates and provides a foundation for learning and development that will help you succeed academically and professionally.

University Core Curriculum

The core curriculum is Temple's liberal-education requirements for all undergraduate students admitted prior to fall 2008 and all transfer students admitted prior to fall 2010. The core, in combination with your major, provides you with the intellectual skills and knowledge needed for academic success in college. It also equips you with a useful education for your career, citizenship and personal life.

Degree Auditing Reporting System (DARS)

DARS shows your course work to date—including transferred courses—and the academic requirements you need to complete a degree in your major field of study.

Graduate Bulletin and Information

Staying on track toward a graduate degree requires up-to-date information and resources. At every step along the way, Temple is committed to answering your questions and helping you reach your goal.    

Graduate Bulletin

The Graduate Bulletin provides specific information about the graduate programs offered at Temple and the requirements necessary to earn your degree.

Graduate School Information

There is a lot to think about when considering graduate school. Whether you are in the initial stages of considering schools or are currently enrolled in a degree program at Temple, you can find the answers to your questions here.

Graduate Courses

Temple's graduate courses will challenge you academically and intellectually. An alphabetical listing provides you with a comprehensive review of our current offerings.


Visit the central repository for graduate school forms to help you reduce your course load, obtain an extension, petition for a withdrawal, request for a leave of absence and apply for a variety of other administrative requests.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Those considering a postdoctoral fellowship at Temple can find relevant policies and a salary scale on this page.

Graduate Policies

Policies are a part of every academic program, from admission to graduation. All of Temple's graduate school policies are conveniently gathered here for your review.

Must Check : Top 5 Best Online Colleges For 2015-2016

Also Read : Latest Online College Courses


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Latest Online College Courses

Every entrepreneur can benefit from continued education. Whether you are just starting out and handling multiple roles within your company or an experienced business owner -- enrolling in an online course is always a good way to improve your knowledge and has never been easier or more affordable.

Must See : What Is the Maximum Student Loan Limit

Long gone are the days of taking evening classes at local colleges and paying tuition. You can now take excellent courses in the comfort of your own home for free.

Here are ten free online courses that every entrepreneur can benefit from.

1. 21 Critical Lessons for Entrepreneurs

This two-hour video course by Docstoc CEO Jason Nazar takes his real-world experience and breaks it into several video lessons that discuss all the important steps of running a successful business, from vetting an idea and raising money from investors to scaling and growth strategies.

There are a lot of coaching and training programs online that are put together by individuals that don’t have real business experience. They make their money by teaching and not by doing. Nazar’s insight is truly valuable because he has been there. He has used the information he is sharing to grow Docstoc into a successful business.

More information about this course can be found here.

2. New Venture Finance: Startup Funding for Entrepreneurs

Some entrepreneurs prefer not to seek outside funding, opting to bootstrap -- but the majority of startups would welcome funding with open arms if they knew how to secure it. This is what this online course from the University of Maryland covers, as professor Michael R. Pratt explains what you need to do in the early stages of your business to prepare for funding, where to source funding, how to pitch investors and venture capitalists, as well as how to close funding.

There is a lot more to the process than putting together a business plan and a pitch deck and firing it off to any investors or VC that you can find. Part of being successful is being prepared -- and this course helps entrepreneurs be prepared before going after funding.

More information about this course can be found here.

3. Introduction to Web Development: HTML

Every business has an online presence these days, meaning every business has a website. Some tech startup founders are very computer savvy and can write code in their sleep. Other business owners, such as a restaurateurs or retailers, might not have the same knowledge and experience. So what do entrepreneurs do that don’t have a coding or programming expert on their team? They pay ridiculously high rates to companies to make simple website changes.

A lot of the small changes and tasks can be completed in-house with just a little HTML knowledge -- exactly what this course delivers. You aren’t going to become a world-class developer after taking this, but you will have a thorough understanding of how to create HTML web pages and make changes and edits to existing pages.

More information about this course can be found here. 

4. Scaling Operations: Linking Strategy and Execution

This course from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University is a five-week lesson that shows you how to correctly build an operation that is both stable and scalable. There isn’t a single entrepreneur that starts a business hoping to stay small.

The two professors, Gad Allon and Jan Van Mieghem, cover everything from the correct framework, marketing, outsourcing and strategy required to scale efficiently and successfully.

More information about this course can be found here. 

5. How to Make Money Online: The Passive Income Business Plan

My company brokers the sale of online businesses, so I understand firsthand how lucrative online-based businesses can be. This course lays out a simple, yet effective, way to make money online. The goal of the 12-hour video course is to explain how to execute a plan to make $5,000 in monthly passive income by creating 10 websites that each produce $500 in monthly revenue.

While this is a basic introduction to online business, it does provide helpful information for entrepreneurs that have contemplated starting an online business but weren’t sure how to start. It’s a good first step for those interested in making money online -- as are these online business models.

More information about this course can be found here. 

Automotive technology



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LSR Radar radio Raid Data rail railcars railroad ralliart Rally rallying Ram range rover rant Rapid Transit System advertsing rare Real time Innovations recall recommended shop record setter Red Bull Sports Reference vehicle Reliability Rémi Bastien RemoteLink Renault Renesas Renntransporter rentals REO repair reports resarch research restoration restoration shop review Richard Bishop Ridler Award Winner rims river bank cars road and highway Road Runner roadster Robot OS Robot wars Roewe Roger Penske Rolls Royce Romain Saha Romania ROS Roth RTI RTI Connext rumble seat Russia Ruxton RV Safety Safety systems safety-certified sales Sales By Model Sales Stats samba sampan Saoutchik Satellite satnav Scaglietti scallops Scat Pack SCCA racecar School bus sci-fi Scooter SCORE Baja trucks Scott Pennock Scout sculpture Security sedan segway semi sensor extension cable sensor fusion September 2016 service service repair automotive vehicle car buying selling mission statement blog free broker shay drive locomotive Shelby shifter shop Show cars sidecars signs skateboarding Skoda slicks slingshot dragster Slovakia Slovenia Small Luxury SUV Sales Small SUV Sales Smart Smartphones snow machines snowmobile Soapbox South Africa South Korea Sox and Martin Spain spare tire spark ignition spark plug spark plugs Spatial auditory displays special edition Mustangs Speech interfaces speed limit Speed Record speedfest speedster sports car sports cars Sporty Car Sales spy shots spyker Sri Lanka SS SS/AH Stagecoach Stanley Station Wagon steam locomotive steam powered steam shovel steampunk steering wheel Steve McQueen Stig Stirling Moss Stolen streamliner street cars Street Van studebaker stunt stunts Stutz Stutz Blackhawk Subaru Sunbeam Super Bee Super Stock Superbird Supercar supercharger survey suv Suzuki Sweden Swift Switzerland System development Life Cycle Tablets Tach takeover tank tata tata magic iris tata vehicles tax Tax Deduction For Car Donation taxi taxi cab TCS tdi teardrop technical technology Telematics Telematics Detroit Telematics Update tempo Tempo Matador Terlingua Racing Team Terry Staycer Tesla test testdrive Texas Instruments The Race Of Gentlemen Thomas Bloor thoughts three wheeler Thunderbird ticket Tiger Tim Neil Tina Jeffrey tips tires tool tool kit toolbox tools Top Gear top ten list Torino tour bus tourbus towtruck Toyota Toyota Entune Toyota Reviews tractor trailer train train wreck trains Trans Am transmission Transporter Traval trike Triumph trivia trolley Troy Trepanier truck Truck Sales trucking trucks Tucker turbocharger turbojet turbonique Turkey tv tv cars twin spark type 1 type 2 tyres UAE Uber UK UK Auto Sales UK Best Sellers uk market Ukraine Unimog unique University of Waterloo Unser unusual unveil upgrade US US 2016 Sales US All Cars Rankings US All SUV Rankings US All Vehicle Rankings US Auto Sales US Auto Sales By Brand US Best Sellers US Compact Car Sales US December 2016 US Entry Luxury Car Sales US February 2017 US January 2017 US Large Car Sales US Large Luxury Car Sales US Large Luxury SUV Sales US Large SUV Sales US March 2017 US Midsize Car Sales US Midsize Luxury Car Sales US Midsize Luxury SUV Sales US Midsize SUV Sales US Minivan Sales US Navy US November 2016 US October 2016 US September 2016 US Small Luxury SUV Sales US Small SUV Sales US Sporty Car Sales US Truck Sales US US Auto Sales US Van Sales US Worst Sellers USA used cars V2X van Van Sales vauxhall VeDeCoM Vehicle Donation California Velodyne Vespa Video vintage vintage racing Virtual mechanic Virtualization VOIP Guide Volkswagen Volkswagen Reviews Volkswagen Sales Volvo Von Dutch vote VW VW bug W3C wagon train wall of death washer washer fluid Watson's Webinars website what is donation what is it wheel speed sensor wheelchair White williams Willys windshield washer wing Wireless framework women woodlight headlights Woody work truck working principle of anti-lock braking system workshop World Worst Sellers wreck Wrongful Death WW1 WW2 XK SS Yoram Berholtz Yoshiki Chubachi Z 11 Z-28 Z28 zamboni ZL1 Zotye