The engine is the heart of a car although it is normally hidden under the bonnet. The engine is exposed in a motorcycle but the detailed mechanisms are not visible. This chapter looks at these mechanisms.
Figure 1.1 shows a four-stroke cycle petrol engine with the various parts indicated. In a reciprocating engine a mixture of petrol and air burns explosively
in a narrow container when ignited. The piston then receives the combustion pressure, and the connecting rod and crankshaft mechanism converts this
pressure into rotation. This is the basic mechanism of a reciprocating engine.
The reciprocating mechanism was originally inherited from steam engines and has been used for more than 200 years. One of the earliest mechanisms using a piston and cylinder can be seen in a 1509 drawing by Leonardo da Vinci, the famous painter and scientist of the Renaissance period. There are two main types of reciprocating engine, the four-stroke and the two-stroke
engine. Figure 1.2 illustrates the sequence of operation. The four-strokecycle engine rapidly repeats strokes 1 to 4.1
The science and technology of materials in automotive engines
Hiroshi Yamagata
Woodhead Publishing and Maney Publishing
on behalf of
The Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining
CRC Press
Boca Raton Boston New York Washington, DC
Cambridge England
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